Barnard College President Debora Spar climbed the stairs to the podium for the Barnard Class of 2013 Graduation in probably the highest heels yet worn by any college president … anywhere! The Shoe Lady is completely relieved that there were no reports of her tripping or falling.
Apparently Dr. Spar has given some thought to shoes as well as other matters pertaining to the lives of women. The Shoe Lady has grabbed a look at her soon to be released latest book, WONDER WOMEN: SEX, POWER AND THE QUEST FOR PERFECTION. The Shoe Lady notes that the position in which the woman on the book cover is wearing HER high heels is far safer than the position the author chose, climbing stairs in these high heeled, colorful and very attractive sandals. The Shoe Lady does, however, commend her for choosing sandals in the colors of

Ascending to podium on graduation day in 5 inch heels.